Homepages of Institutes and Research Groups
Interactions fondamentales et théorie des champs (CPT Luminy, Marseille)
Géométrie Non Commutative , IML Marseille (CNRS - UPR 9016)
Géométrie non commutative, gravitation, anomalies (LPTHE Orsay)
IHÉS (Bures sur Yvette)
Algèbres d'Opérateurs (Paris VI)
Mathematik im Bereich ihrer Wechselwirkung mit der Physik (Munich)
Non Commutative Geometry, a Network in Mathematics
Homepages of Researchers in (or related with) QG & NCG
Robert Coquereaux
Ludwik Dabrowski
Bernhard Drabant
Piotr M.Hajac
Max Karoubi
Dirk Kreimer
Giovanni Landi
Fedele Lizzi
Shahn Majid
Folkert Muller-Hoissen
Mario Paschke
Florian Scheck
Harold Steinacker
Julius Wess
Raimar Wulkenhaar
This list is incomplete, please send me links you know about !
, thank you!